- June 23rd
- Zone Updates!
Current Updates:
- A new GUI has been added to Zone, to give Zone a more tidy and even guide. The GUIs have been implanted into Zone, the GUIs contain, a new radar, weapon information (when your weapon is equipted), shop, terminal and classes.
- New Weapons/Melee's have been added to the shops
- Roll has been nerfed to 70% and mouse click has been removed.
- Boxes are now enabled to place next to doors, bringing back Zone's minor laming gameplay back.
- Nerfed weapons including; BFG11(changed to energy, less damage and more spread) Acidrifle (reduced the spread of the weapon)
- Cookies have now been updated and can hold 10 Cookies instead of 2.
These may be a few minor updates, yet it really effects Zone, as the playercount is gradually rising. I'd also like to announce that there will be Events hosted throughout this week, so be sure to log into Zone and keep updated! You'll never know what were going to host off
Zone is currently hiring! Please view our forum thread: click here for details.
- March 8th
- Zone - Capture the Flag Update
The Capture the Flag planet on Zone has been updated with a new map! The updates include the downsizing of the map to provide faster and more intense matches with bases closer together. In addition the tiles have been changed to snow to match the popular Irica planet.
- March 4th
- Zone: Chat System
A new chat system has been released on Zone! The new system will enhance communication allowing players to hang out in the Zone Plaza room or create their own room to chat with friends and teammates during battles. The system is currently in version 1.1 and further updates are expected so stay tuned.
To enter the new chat system press Tab and Ctrl + C.
For more information click here.
- January 9th
- Zone - Updates
Planet Points
Planet Points are a new feature for the Iricia planet that awards players with points for participating in matches which can be used to obtain prizes. 10 for winning and 3 points for loosing a match.
Prize List
- 50 points for 50 pipe bombs
- 150 points for a Silencer (1 month)
- 200 for 100 cakes
- 300 for 100 gas grenades
- 700 for Bluepistoles (2 weeks)
- 1200 for Reapers (1 month)
- 1750 for a Scifi Pistol (1 month)
- 3000 for a BFG11 (permanent)
- 3500 for redpistoles (3 months)
Profile Changes
Zone player profiles now lists the amount of remaining experience points to gain a rank.
The speed of rolling has been reduced by 65% to improve the balance of battles and make it easier to fight other players.
For more information on updates and changes please click here.
- July 30th
- Zone - Death Race
This Wednesday there will be a dangerous race on the planet KOTH. Many obstacles will prevent you to get to the finish, you might even die. But if you find yourself victorious on this race you will earn a big prize.
Also, from July 30 to August 5 the Events Team will be hosting several events as well. Check out the schedule!
- June 26th
- Zone - Event Weekend: 26th - 27th
Stay indoors this weekend, because Zone is having a big weekend full of Events! The prizes for these events will be Red Pistoles, Double Shots and more. There will be a total of eight big events, four on each day, and while you wait there will be races and other fun events (I heard there will be big prizes randomly hosted).
See you there!
- March 7th
- Unholy Nation - Calling all Guilds!
Are you in a guild looking to show your stuff? You'll sure be in luck this week! Graal's best will be gathering for Unholy Nation's first ever Guild Spar Tourney on Wednesday, March 10th at 6:30 PM EST. The winning guild will receive 25 EP and a statue in the Hall of Champions.
To enter, have a representative from your guild contact Allona either by PM or through Unholy Nation's new mail service (her account name is ohshutup55). Each guild team has only four players, so your guild can have a second team - but variety will make things more interesting!
So, do you think your guild can make it to the top? Sign up today if you've got what it takes.
- January 15th
There is a new phishing scam out there targeting your Graal account information via email. It claims to be from the Graal Administration Account Information Team. This is not an email from us. We will never request your password under any circumstances. Please do not respond to these emails.
-Bell Accounts Administrator- January 15th
- Zone Roll
Press F + arrow key to roll into any direction, even diagonally! Use it to dodge attacks and bullets.
See all news
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